Monday, August 30, 2010
@ 11:14:00 AM
Left with tomorrow towards the ending for the month of August. At the same time it is also the last 10 days of Ramadhan. Subhanallah. Time do flies fast without us realising it. LailatulQadar is the night that we've been waiting for. Those odd nights ; 21, 23, 25, 27 & 29. I dun wanna miss those nights. Once in a year opportunity only.
"Diamnya orang berpuasa itu sedang bertasbih , Diamnya orang berbual itu sedang berdoa , Diamnya orang tidur itu sedang ibadah"
Doa Qunut recited by Ustaz Drs Ahmad Dahri never fails to touch my heart. Tears kept on flowing. I believe not just me alone is doing that. Some even weeped badly. In just 10 days more, Ramadhan is leaving us. We might not even know if we're able to meet Ramadhan again next year, Insya'allah.
"Be strong now , because things will get better . It might be stormy now but it can't rain forever ." This quote kinda help me pull myself up but still, it saddens me.