gif animator
Nur Elfirawaty
An ex Bartleyan
3.1 ELN(networking) student studying in Tp


gif animator
Muhammad Saidil
An ex Siglapian
Former IFC student in Tp
Currently serving NS

Currently Unavailable. Be back soon :)


Thursday, April 28, 2011
@ 11:22:00 PM

You need to have setbacks in life in order to realise that you are actually brave enough to face it. Those weaknesses that will turn into strength eventually. Once you've managed to overcome the struggles in life, that's when you know that you are actually capable of handling it.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
@ 12:58:00 AM

Temasek Polytechnic students, spot the familiar face in the above picture (for those who knows). Looks like its not just how he named his blog URL, he himself is great to be fighting against the People's Action Party in the opposition team, The Workers Party. The polling of the general elections has been confirmed of being held on 7 May. Looks like this time round, residents of Marine Parade GRC, which is my area, has to vote. Just wait for 27 April for confirmation.

The NSP team leader, Yeo, who is married with two children, said, "The Marine Parade residents have been neglected because they have not been given a chance to vote for 20 years, so we now are giving them a chance." So, residents of Marine Parade GRC, you all can get to vote now. 20 years of not voting. I'm still young, no need to vote :):):) I don't mind not receiving the $600 from the government as I've not reached the legal age of 21. I'm enjoying the bits & pieces of just stepping into the big '20'.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
@ 1:34:00 AM

I really miss being a mentor for Week Zero Orientation. Two years being a mentor for April Orientation & a year being a mentor for October Orientation. This year, I didn't participate being a mentor despite it was my final chance before I left the school. I didn't know why I enjoyed being a mentor much. It was like reeeeeeally fun! Ice-breaking games, cheers, mass dance & regatta. Gosh! How I'd miss doing all that!

Thought of going for regatta this thursday since I didn't get a chance to go for regatta last year all due to the high fever that I had! It was really such a waste. I must have had drained myself out from all the cheering, dancing & also that last minute EFTW practice session. I practiced hard enough remembering all the steps just not to be able to perform on the actual day itself. How sad can it be? :(:( I was happy to know that engine won the regatta despite still loosing to business school for the fifth time for the overall champion. What disheartened me was that I wasn't part of the regatta when we won. But still, I'm proud of myself for being able to stay all the way till the orientation's over.

The spirit suddenly died off when more & more new faces started streaming in. I'm half-hearted to go for regatta already. But then, I want to feel the engine spirit one more time before I left the school. But then, a friend of mine was 'chased' out when he actually offered to help around. But I wanna go! But what should I do there? But do anyone bother even if I come down? But... But... But...

Every year, before we end the last day of week zero, it would be most saddening & touching moments. Those final year students will cry their hearts out as they will be graduating & it will be the last camp that they attend. All those hugs, photos taken, crying moments.... I want to be part of it all. I want to end my schooling days in that way. Can I......??
Thursday, April 14, 2011
@ 2:24:00 AM

13 Apr 2011


Nasib lulusan tanpa pengalaman bekerja

BEBERAPA pembaca telah meluahkan masalah anak mereka mendapatkan kerja atas alasan kelayakan dan tiada pengalaman. Saya pula pernah bekerja di sebuah hotel bertaraf lima bintang yang terkenal di sini. Oleh kerana tiada pengalaman, saya bertugas sebagai pekerja biasa walaupun mempunyai diploma dalam bidang Hospitaliti dan Pelancongan. Demi mencari pendapatan, saya terus bekerja hampir lima bulan dan terasa amat penat memandangkan waktu kerja dua giliran. Pada hujung minggu, saya bekerja selama 12-14 jam sehari. Akhirnya, saya terpaksa berhenti Oktober lalu dan menganggur sehingga sekarang ini.

Saya berusaha mencari berbagai-bagai pekerjaan. Namun saya kesal dan kecewa kerana setiap kali memohon, saya diberi jawapan yang menghampakan dan disuruh menunggu jawapan demi jawapan dengan alasan tiada pengalaman bekerja. Ingin saya bertanya, bagaimana saya akan mendapat pengalaman jika saya tidak diberi peluang bekerja? Bagaimana nasib golongan seperti saya dan juga mereka yang senasib dengan saya terus dibiarkan menggigit jari tanpa diberi peluang bekerja. Di mana harus saya mengadu nasib dan mendapat bantuan untuk menyelesaikan perkara ini?

Nurquraisha Idayu Rakil

I couldn't agree less to what I read in the forum section of yesterday's Berita Harian. If already the writer faces difficulty in finding a job relating to her diploma, what more me? I'm currently finding a job that is not even related to my diploma. EXPERIENCE. Thats just what companies are looking for.

But then, come to think of it. That's basically what we job-seekers are actually looking for right? We finding work to gain the experience. How are we ever going to get the experience if not given the opportunity? I understand that those experienced have better & higher chances of getting the job. They would have familiarised themselves & have knowledge of the job scope. What about us, the fresh diploma graduates without prior experience? Are we just gonna be at a disadvantage?

On the other hand, its good to know that Dee has been scheduled for an interview by 2 different companies all thanks to the design show that she had at Vivocity. Instead of her looking for a job, ended up the job is looking for her. How great! How I'd wish the same thing could happen to me... All the best for both of your interviews, girlfriend! Hope you get the job!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
@ 2:51:00 AM

Nowadays Youtube have been a platform for people to show their 'talent' off. Just take a look at Indonesia. Even Briptu Norman, a police officer who was on duty. Due to him dancing & lip-singing to a bollywood song, Chaiya Chaiya, he was well known. He's been given the chance to do some music recording. Not only that, he will also be appearing in an Indonesian drama acting. Its not just him, previously Shinta & Jojo, and also Udin made their way becoming artist when their talent were being recognised through the youtube video that they uploaded.

I'll just be uploading the Briptu Norman video only cause its funny watching it. The rest if you all want to know, find out yourself okay? I lazy lahh. Heee~~

Like that, I also want to upload a video to youtube of me singing can? Who knows any music recording company recognises my talent? Well, Justin Bieber was first known through youtube too. HAHAHA! DREAM ON! I don't want also, just kidding. Like what I've said before, I don't want lots of people to know who I am. In other words, I am a low profile person. I don't need the name, fame and popularity. There's nothing to gain from it.

I'm done with ironing mum's clothings to be worn to work later. Its a soccer match between Man United versus Chelsea. Its quite surprising that I could stay up till this late to watch soccer matches. I did watch 2 live soccer matches previously but I'll end up sleeping halfway through the match. HAHAH! I'm very sure this time round, I'll watch it till the end! Go Man United! Go Chelsea! Since I don't know which team to support, I'll be supporting BOTH! Fair enough, right? :):):)
Monday, April 11, 2011
@ 12:41:00 AM

Its Monday morning, whereby most will be feeling shagged to go for school / work. Better known as Monday blues. Do you know that it is actually a good start of the week? Change your opinions of Mondays when I'm done jotting the reasons down.

1. Naiknya Nabi Idris a.s ke langit.
2. Nabi Musa a.s berangkat ke bukit Thursina.
3. Rasulullah s.a.w dilahirkan.
4. Malaikat Jibril turun kepada Rasulullah s.a.w buat kali pertama.
5. Amal perbuatan umat ditunjukkan kepada Rasulullah s.a.w
6. Wafatnya Rasulullah s.a.w
7. Bukti keesaan Allah diturunkan...
"Qul huwallahu ahad"
Friday, April 08, 2011
@ 12:44:00 AM

Subhanallah. It has been nearly a month after the twin disasters hit Japan. Another earthquake hit Japan. Not to mention, the natural disasters that kept on happening in Indonesia. It is seriously heart-wrenching to see how the world is coming to an end soon. Alhamdulillah. We should really be thankul for being able to be given a chance to see another beautiful day ahead when we woke up from our beauty sleep.

Well, its Friday today. Weekends are drawing near. Weekends seems like weekdays for me too. I've been sleeping extremely late. I have sleeping difficulties. No matter how late I sleep, I will still wake up no later than 12pm. Well, I'm disciplined :) Since I don't feel like having my rest just yet, I shall do my mum a favour by....... finding the HAND-SOCKS for her! Till then, XOXO!
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
@ 12:52:00 AM

Girls naturally, they are shy with expressing their feelings towards the other gender. That's normal I guess. They are usually waiting for the guy to make the first move but I see nothing wrong with girls expressing it first. Either they are really really shy or they just fear rejection.

Expressing your feelings first doesn't mean that you have no sense of shame or you'll lose your face. It just means that you are 1 of the million girls out there that is brave enough to do that. By keeping it to oneself, you are just hurting yourself. Jealousy occurs whenever you see how other girls get close to 'him' and how 'he' get close to other girls. You feel hurt deep inside, won't you? By expressing your feelings first, at the very least, 'he' knows your feelings for 'him' though in the end you might get yourself rejected.

'He' will then know that someone actually cares for him. 'He' might even eventually come back running to you. Sounds dramatic isn't it? Like those Bollywood films? But believe me, it does happen in real life but only to a minority group.

The image above suddenly reminds me MSN / Windows Live Messenger / E-Buddy. When did I last sign in? It was during one of the Major Project days having mass chats with the usual TP cliques. I wonder how many contact invitations I've yet to accept. I want to go online but each time when I did, there'll be no one chatting with me. I'll be the one starting the conversation or even invite them to play online games sometimes. Some don't even reply me back. URGH! I will come back online one day when I feel like chatting with people. Heeee~~
Monday, April 04, 2011
@ 6:08:00 PM

Work. Everyone seems to be working now be it part-time, contract, full-time etc. What about me? Alhamdulillah, I'm still searching. I believe my turn to work has yet to come. Seeing friends working does damper me a lil but I feel the joy for them. When people keep asking me, " When you gonna start working?", "Not working?" or even prompting me to work, don't you think that I don't want to work too? Who doesn't right?

I know that I've been spending my days at home. But at the very least before I start working, I'm actually doing some household chores. Furthermore, people also wonder just how am I going to work. Its like ME WORKING? I myself also do wonder but then I know of my own competencies. I hindered those negative thinking aside.

How am I supposed to get work when I've only applied for 1 job so far? HAHAH! Insya'allah, I'll apply for more in times to come. Right now, I can't afford to go for any outings anymore. Since not working = no income = shortage of kacings = no more outings! I can't afford any more outings. Luckily for me, I managed to still go for the karaoke session held by the polymates & also for the couple outing session by the girlfriends. But still, they're much missed by me!